Red hats...

I used to have a MAGA parody hat---read "Make America Mexico Again". I'm brown (not Latino, but am often misread). It was not at *all* uncommon if I wore it to see people on the street look at me confusedly before actually reading it and giving me props or laughing or what have you. I remember wearing it once in a bar and one white dude (he was pretty far gone) actually looking outraged and like he was going to bravely say something to me before I turned it around so he could see it.

Weird little experiences. It gave me a small bit of experience of what I guess some of the Trumpian supporters feel when they talk about being socially marginalized etc. Still, if you're gonna wear something with an explicit political message, you've gotta be willing to stand for it---that's kind of the point. I had similar experiences when wearing shirts that said "Black Lives Matter" etc---still remember wearing one of those shirts that was a parody of the Redskins logo with a white face that said "Caucasians" and having people very noticeably roll their eyes at me and start arguments with me. Actually, the lesson here might be don't mix politics with clothing and alcohol.

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