The Red Pill (2017) - Movie Trailer

That's the great trick. Feminism was initially created to shame men into joining wars and people to pick up smoking and other things. Any real changes were made by labor movements and unions, the very same labor movements and unions that then were split in two and crushed by the introduction of separate women's branches within them.

In my country for example our socialdemocratic prime minister was assassinated, George Soros destroyed our economy by currency speculation a few years later and lo and behold feminist orgs got a sudden influx of massive funding and started wars with and the socialdemocratic party and the unions. And that was the end of our highly egalitarian society as we knew it. No more independent banking system. No more solidarity. No more workers reforms. Just a bunch of angry cunts and weak, virtue signaling men. As someone who's seen this taking place it's really hard to believe it was not done by design. Our masters simply wants us preoccupied with manspreading instead of important issues. And feminists are more than willing to oblige.

Feminists are helpful idiots. Nothing more, nothing less.

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