Is The Red Pill Compatible With Capitalism?

I'm really not looking to get into an ideological debate because I'm not particularly interested in ideology. Dialectical materialism provides a far better understanding of the world and why we've come to where we are.

I'm not talking about state-capitalism, I'm thinking about anarchist-communism. The general idea is decentralized communes and no private property in favor of collective use and horizontal association. The cost of bearing risk could be borne by society and decentralized through a horizontally organized society.

Nobody is coercing or forcing you to do anything. You can quit your job any time you want.

Having to choose between starvation, homelessness or both and repetitive, boring work, is a coercive condition faced by everyone under capitalism. Even those who own capital are slaves to its constant upkeep. If I quit my desk job, my social value drops and I start eating into my savings. The vast majority of people are wage slaves and will never escape it.

How do you propose to simultaneously do away with capitalism AND government?

Google Anarcho-communism.

Capitalism is just a word that describes people engaging in voluntary trade with each other.

Transactions under capitalism are fundamentally exploitative in nature due to the profit motive. The property owner exploits the worker by extracting his surplus labor as profit, transactions between two parties are exploitative since there's always a premium placed on good and services.

You also don't take into account the impact of voluntary trade between two consenting parties for profit on the condition of mankind. In such a system goods and services wouldn't be accessible to those without the ability to pay for them. Basic economics theory shows that without government intervention the free market leads to market failure and externalities. For example a factory producing pollution downstream has no incentive to stop polluting as long as it doesn't interfere with the profit motive. In order to prevent this, people need to come together and place taxes on pollution by forming a state. Alternatively if the polluter owned the entire river, the community would be forced to pay them not to pollute, which is unfair.

You might be interested in mutualism), which described a society based on voluntary transactions. It doesn't contain the same internal contradiction as anarcho-capitalism.

I majored in Economics and have never seen the appeal of anarcho-capitalism, it doesn't work in theory, let alone practice.

How can you stop that from happening if there is no government? How do you stop wealth from staying in families without government to stop it?

The functioning of capitalism relies on the existence of private property. If the concept of private property were to be abolished in people's minds, we'd no longer have capitalism.

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