Red Pill Magic

Awesome post. One of my biggest gripes is the BP, humanitarian/equality-driven narrative. "There is no truth, bro; it's all relative". Notice how these types stick to science like a bible when it (falsely) supports their narrative, but things like biology become an open interpretation of facts (not going to argue/debate over gender spectrum on RP reddit; you guys know what I'm talking about here).

The important point, is that they distort the truth to fit their narrative, just like BP males distort the dominance hierarchy and make up their own BS...because they refuse to play by rules they know will cause them to lose instantly. Hence, feminism boot licking. In the former narrative, it's "relativity" of information. How perfect! People with no constant compass of any sort paying for useless shit in circles on credit. Game, set, match 1%!

OP nailed it. What this really comes down to is raw, black-and-white no BS cause and effect. Correlate actions with results. When you're not downing a cases of Mountain Dew and a cheese steak for 3 meals a fucking day, you're actually able to start paying attention to life!

The best way to see how clueless most are, is to observe their diets + how they do the same, pointless, redundant tasks that give no future equity or leverage to their situation. Showing up to a shit job just to be able to afford a place to live so you can continue working said shit job seems to be the rule rather than the exception.

Cause and effect. Fail fast and early so you know what types of causes bring which types of results. BP mindsets like to make hard shit sound easy, and easy shit sound hard. This is no exception.

/r/TheRedPill Thread