The Red Pill is Uncompromising Rejection

You're right, the two parent family is essential to raising kids. Raising a kid as a single parent will increase their chances of dropping out of school and going to prison exponentially.

A lot of red pillers don't want to get married, and this is certainly a sentiment I can relate with. However, I find it disappointing because red pillers have HMV (high moral values) and would make excellent fathers and husbands.

Think about it this way. Would you rather the single mother welfare gravy train to continue to produce awful human beings as they suck the american working class dry of their hard earned cash? Or would you rather see real men raise kids that learn the importance of responsibility, physical strength, mental acuity, etc.

If you do decide to get married I would use the checklist another user posted. I would also recommend having her sign a prenuptial agreement so if (or more likely when) she leaves you she won't get shit and you get to see your kids as much as she does if not more so.

/r/TheRedPill Thread Parent