Reddit admins when they realize just how many shitlords there are

I appreciate your honesty. But I want you to know this: I love FPH. A lot of us have our reasons for hating fatties. For instance, if you're a fit male, you will get hit on. A lot. A lot of them are going to be big girls. If you don't like big girls? Too bad. They will flaunt their fat in your face "because I'm big and beautiful" and question your sexuality because you're not into them. I had an obese female coworker I was not into spread rumors about me having 1) an eating disorder and 2) telling people I was in the closet. You can say that's an isolated incident, but it's happened to me more than once.

If you're a skinny girl, fat people will call you anorexic, will make fun of you, tell you to eat more, they will give you a ton of shit. I know, I've watched every girlfriend I've had go through the same shit. If you're a skinny teenage boy? Exact same thing.

I'm being completely serious. These things happen to fit people and skinny people.

Not to mention the amount of obese people who complain to me about how they can't lose weight, and what am I doing to keep my weight in check, and if I tell them? That's impossible, it's just genetics, blah blah blah, I don't have time to spend in a gym, blah blah blah, you're just lucky. Completely dismissing all of the hard work I put towards my own health while reinforcing their attitude that it's impossible to lose weight.

So here's my question for you. You don't have to answer. I just want you to think about it. Why can they talk about my weight openly, insult me, question my sexuality, throw themselves at me even after I've rejected them, yet I'm an asshole if I point out the fact they're overweight? I'm an asshole because I won't go out with someone I'm physically attracted to? Go to other subs, go to tumblrs, see how thin people are talked about, but there's a difference between that and FPH: calling out someone for being thin is sanctioned, calling out someone for being fat isn't.

That's a double standard. FPH is wonderful because it helps me deal with a problem not a lot of other people understand, which is having to deal with all of the above.

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