Reddit, Why are you no longer friends with your best friend? [Serious]

There was never a point when we decided that we weren't going to be friends anymore it kind of just slowly happened. We've been friends for 15 years but in the past two or three years we have been growing apart. I miss her a lot but she seems to have no interest in talking to me anymore unless she needs a favor from me or she wants to complain about her on again off again boyfriend of 7 years. I don't mind doing favors or talking about my friends problems but when it comes to something I need she kind of just blows me off. I haven't even asked her for anything at all just for her to listen to me when I need someone to talk to. When we do hang out I try to tell her about things I'm going through and how I'm feeling, I've been pretty bummed out for the past couple of months but she always manages to turn the subject back to her. I've brought this up to her, about how I wish she would listen to what I have to say when I'm feeling shitty but she blames not paying attention on her ADD and shrugs it off or she gets really offended that I would call her out on it. I understand that she has a life of her own but I'm not even asking for much, just someone to talk to, I mean isn't that what a best friend is for? The other day she texts me asking to borrow a pair of boots for her bday trip and I say of course. After she thanked me I sent a text saying that I need to talk to her because I'm upset about an argument I got into with my father and his wife ( a whole other fucked up situation) and she ignored me for two days until she texts back that she needs a ride to the airport. What the fuck? Of course I give her a ride but I hardly speak to her on the way there. Basically I'm at the point where I have decided to let it go, she doesn't really seem interested in our friendship unless I can do something for her. I haven't brought it up lately because I don't want to sound like a baby so I've learned to just keep my feelings to myself, I guess most people don't want to hear about other people's problems. It sucks when someone you care about just starts to not give a shit about you anymore. It's sad but I guess I've come to the conclusion that I don't really need someone like that in my life, I'm tired of being there for someone all the time but not getting anything in return, not even emotional support.

/r/AskReddit Thread