Reddit, have you ever walked out on someone in the middle of a date? If yes, why?

I have a few. But the worst was this guy who I met a few summers ago. We met on a camping trip with mutual friends.

He got my number during the trip and asked me to dinner later that week. He lived in the suburbs of my city and I don't own a car. So I hopped in a car share to meet him for dinner near his place.

He took me to this tasteless Mexican restaurant for dinner. Like $9 entrees that weren't even good. Which would have been redeemable with a tequila or two. But he didn't order any booze. So I didn't either.

We proceeded to have a completely sober conversation about his recent divorce. Which he was clearly not over. And his PTSD from being in Iraq.

He was really handsome and extremely muscular from being in the military....and I'd driven pretty far. So I decided to hang in there to see if the night would get better.

After dinner, we get a bottle of wine and head back to his place. Finally...booze! He pours us each a glass of wine. We settle in front of the TV and he turns on.... Naked and Afraid. The marathon session. How romantic...

Hardly lets me sit down before moving in for the kiss. I'm squirming and being giggly and ask him if we can just chill/talk for a sec. It doesn't help. Finally I just start pounding wine because 1) I feel awkward and 2) Getting up to pour wine gives me an excuse to get away from him.

He continues to be way too grabby and I'm being way too nice about it. I should have left right then and there. I don't know why I didn't. I got kind of intimidated and didn't want to come across as a bitch.

After about 30 minutes, he picks me up and carries me into his bedroom. Mind you...we haven't established that connection yet. At all. I'm trying to laugh it off but it made me really uncomfortable.

The NEXT thing that I remember...and I still have no idea how this happened...he was like...semi penetrating me with his dick. I was still fully clothed...but had a skirt on. And he'd somehow maneuvered his way up my skirt without me realizing what was going on. (As soon as we'd arrived to his place that night, he changed into these gym shorts? That were easy for him to pull off.)

So I flipped my shit and walked the fuck out. He's in the military and there are guns all over his house. So I'm walking past gun after gun after gun and getting even more freaked out. I just had this huge adrenaline rush to get the fuck out of there.

He follows me, apologizing nonstop, and saying his ex-wife didn't give him enough physical affection, that he's lonely and hates physical rejection. I was like "Uhhh that is not my problem. Goodbye."

I got in my car and locked the doors and am fumbling with the headlights, etc (because I'm driving a car share that I've never driven before). He's standing in front of my car trying to keep me from leaving. So I put it in reverse and backed all the way out of his street. Didn't even take the time to do a 3-point turn. I do a blind reversal out onto whatever street, put it in "drive", and just take off.

I eventually realized that I was still not sober enough to drive. So I found a parking lot. And just sat there for a while, sobering up, before driving back to my place.

Worst date ever.

I make sure to insist on first dates in public places, now, after that experience.

/r/AskReddit Thread