Reddit is full of misleading or completely fake posts (and links)

People brag and make up stuff irl too

Maybe this is just my subjective experience but I can't imagine people in 'real life' would at all tolerate the level of wholesale fabrication that is everywhere on reddit. Obviously we tell small lies to cover our asses and stick to social codes, but if my family constantly shared personal anecdotes with me and half of them were obviously made up (as it is with some major subs like TIFU) -- hell, if any of them were obviously made up -- I would consider that bizarre, rude, and a violation of trust. On reddit there seems to be this idea that telling a 'good story' is more important than telling a true one, not merely in the sense of exaggerating things, but in the sense of writing pure fiction and framing it as real events.

/r/TheoryOfReddit Thread Parent