reddit moment

It was part of the scene as far as I know, but there was a live bullet in the chamber by accident. Now I live in Canada and with our gun laws he’d be in jail, here it doesn’t matter that someone else told you it wasn’t loaded. You’re responsible to ensure any gun you’re given is safe. if it’s in your hands the buck stops with you, you always assume it’s loaded and make sure before you do anything with a firearm. Of course this wasn’t in Canada so legally I don’t know what would happen and I’m sure there’s a lot of contracts and liability shifting with this production who the fuck knows. But just generally speaking, he’s 100% at fault here. I don’t care that someone else told you it’s safe, you’re the one about to point a live weapon that you know is capable of firing live rounds at someone and pull the trigger, if you don’t check first your self, you are to blame.

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