Reddit not covering saudi arabia's murder of 37 people attacks the same way it covered the New Zealand shootings and Sri Lanka is dirty politcs

Ask yourself why: when a Muslim commits a terrorist attack hes just a lone wolf who had nothing to do with Islam whatsoever because Islam is the religion of "peace", and after every attack we should show "solidarity" and kiss Muslim ass light a few candles and sing 'dont look back in anger' blah blah blah


White guy shoots up muslims in a mosque and everything is to blame, pewdiepie, certain "bad" politicians, online personalities, the fictional nazis that have all popped out of nowhere, ideology, christian extremism, white supremacy. We need to get angry and defeat all these white supremacists!!! And all whilst kissing the Muslims ass in weird ways like donning an oppressive rag to show 'solidarity'

People will say oh because it happened in another country that's not the west... fuck off the NZ shooting garnered way more media attention than the majority of terrorist attacks in Europe have done, and the majorly hypocritical reaction to the nz shootings is clear for all to see, but the lemmings eat it up because its progressive to call out the white terrorist and remain silent about the massively bigger problem we in the west face.

Kids get blown up at a concert: just 'dont look back in anger'

Evil white guy shoots muslims: we need to eradicate white supremacy and all its adherents

The rational people who dare criticise the shit religion that is Islam will be castigated and branded by mainstream and their sheep

/r/unpopularopinion Thread