Reddit in a nutshell.

I'm from Europe. I was in America until recently.

I needed a salbutamol inhaler, the pharmacist said I needed a script. I gave the pharmacist a European script (which cost me €12, which is even covered by social security), the pharmacist said I needed an American script and I could go to some urgent care thing.

I said "ok", I called the place and I would have had to wait for two weeks to get an appointment. OK. The octor says I need X-rays and some other bullshit, I'm already $250 in.

How much will X-ray cost? No idea, I can't fucking breathe. $1200 for a plane ticket, I'm home some 40 hours later and immediately go to the pharmacy. No need for a script, they can hear that I'm about to die. I get an inhaler. I take two puffs, I'm no longer dying.

How the hell can you even abuse Salbutamol to justify requiring it on script? Even the ENGLISH who eat BLACK PUDDING are obligated to give you the inhaler for free if they suspect you will die. BUT NOT. I had a prescription and I still couldn't get it. Your system is seriously broken. I see no reason to regulate that drug at all.

/r/Anarcho_Capitalism Thread Link -