Reddit plays a game of Like a Drama as a post mocks Andrew Tate, and Tater Tots rise up in defense in r/yakuzagames


I support Gay Marriage, Trans acceptance equal rights for all. I'm totally down for all that. It's all good stuff. I want it.

Very believable wording.

I'm saying, very explicitly..that the leftist messaging is garbage beyond belief. It's all purity tests and ivory tower bullshit.

And your messaging is what? ″Some white guys live in shitty apartments abd that's why they support a rapist who trafficks children ″? What does that say about you when people with even worse lives don't do that?

It says that your version of oppression is what the rest of the world calls equality. You fundamentally can not deal with progress because it's zero sum to you. If a black man gets a good job, it should be yours. If a woman owns a nice house, it belongs to you.

It's amazing how every single time I say "I support all the things you are in favour of, but my God your messaging is awful" the response is "Well, you're racist!" (Or insert some other bigotry here).

Tends to happen when you support bigots and say bigoted things.

But again, the messaging is awful. Every time you lot come over a good cause, it feels like you pick the worst way possible to do it, and just try to fuck it up.

You mean like Neoliberal conservatives? The ones that opposed racial and LGBT equality for decades and were forced to accept it, sometimes at gun point?

Like, how many slogans are of the type where there's the slogan, and then the defense of the slogan that says "No, it doesn't actually mean that! It means 'Something else'"

Like black lives matter and MeToo? Horrific.

Oh, and I fully take responsibility for my life. I'm not the one blaming "The Patriarchy".

″It′s natural for a world where 50% of the population has 80% of leadership and executive roles! That's not proof of societal favoritism! I have a shitty apartment, see?! That disproves statistics!″

Yeah, Tater tot logic in a nutshell.

/r/SubredditDrama Thread Parent