Reddit vs the real world

The common response in this thread is that this sub skews "left" and "educated". Which is nonsense and is their own way of complimenting themselves.

What it actually skews is left, young, and arrogant. It's very easy to see which posters are in the 18-24 year old demographic that are in University or just graduated. Those are the ones who so desperately want this to be a bigger deal than it is just so they can show the rest of dumb, uneducated, redneck Alberta just how smart they are. Except the cases here are ridiculously low due to the efforts of the groups this sub despises.

Head on over to the Canada subreddit where if you're a bootlicker if you don't think the government should be your personal safety net for the next couple years.

There's a lot of people on Reddit who don't get that this is likely not going away. It's unlikely that there will be a magical vaccine that will wipe it out and we'll got back to 2019 life. A coronavirus in one way, shape, or form will be around mutating yearly just like our favorite colds and flus.

No this doesn't mean I hate old people or think they are expendable. They are however, going to be living in a future with way more restrictions and that's likely how it's going to be going forward.

/r/Edmonton Thread