Reddit, what are your biggest weight loss tips?

Buy a lot of food and aim to eat it.

For compulsive eaters, unhealthy eaters and overeaters for whom two meal days or strict portion sizes or calorie counting are a nightmare, replace the unhealthier aspects of your diet with low calorie healthy substitutes (this isn't a tip for those struggling to lose weight on an already well controlled diet - healthy eaters, don't read on).

So stock up on fruit, vegetables, rice cakes, porridge etc (whatever suits your preferences) and not high calorie, high fat, high carb options. Be sure to know what you're going to do with the vegetables especially, or else you'll end up with a bin full of spoiled produce. Learn some real basic sauces (tomato passata is a good base to branch out from) to cover the veggie taste if you're not the biggest veg fan.

You'll be surprised how quickly you take to a bowl of fruit salad for breakfast, or using something like butternut squash to replace pasta. Used to have ice cream for dessert? A handful of grapes or berries instead. Flavored rice cakes can help with that savory snack urge.

This flips the psychology - rather than focussing on not doing something and beating yourself up for lapses and feeling constantly on edge, you focus instead on doing something - eating all of the food you've bought (hopefully over time and not completely binged on the first day). Sure, you need to keep an eye out for excessive sugar consumption from fruit, but if your diet isn't great to begin with you can easily sub out 500 calories a day whilst not starving yourself. There's a lot of 'sin' type diets based on this principle - avoid the massive calorie hits, but feel free to go to town on low calorie items - you'll probably fill yourself up before you consume excessive calories.

If you can't change your behavior (stuffing food in your mouth) change what you stuff in your mouth. But keep on stuffing. For a lot of people, a diet which a) changes what they eat and b) changes how and when they eat, can be a double whammy. Know who you are, and pick a diet which reflects your vices. Me, I can't manage two small portions a day and one snack for lunch. I gotta eat more, and more frequently, but targeting healthy consumption (I will cook that eggplant this week!) works well for me.

/r/AskReddit Thread