Reddit, what did you "worst roommate ever" do to deserve that title?

This happened in november.

About me: I am female and live in a student home with 5 other people.

I came home on a friday night at 1 am just wanted to go to sleep. For whatever reason, I still felt the need to clean the kitchen counter. I finish cleaning, turn around and see 2 strangers in my flat. Both guys were significantly taller than me and completely wasted. I still don't know wheter they were in the flat before me, or came in whitout me noticing. Anyways, I am confused and ask who they are and they tell me that they are friends of my roomate... which gave them his house key and was still partying somewhere. I felt uneasy and wanted to ignore them and go to sleep, yet I knew that if they trash the place and I would be kind of responsible for it, so I stayed and tried to chat with them, hoping for my roomate to come home quickly. Suprise, he did not. Not only that, a third one came along and started to get really loud. They were hungry and wanted me to cook something for them. I, of course, and said no, thus one started to randomly take food from the fridge while the other one found my frehsly sharpened kitchen knife, intending to cut an onion.The third one watched them and questioned me about my roomates.

This is when I realized that not only I was alone with them, they were just on their way to burn the whole place down. So I gave in and made them pasta. I tried my best to look assertive, like someone not to mess with, hoping they would just be too drunk too realize that I was alone with them. For a short while it seemed to work, I could easily snark back at their flirting attempts.

As they finally ate, and I was cleaning the kitchen again, relieved that I could go to sleep soon, I realized that they had gone eerily silent. I was standing at the sink, when the biggest one stood up and tapped me on my shoulder and said "You know what? We 3 have just decided to rape you."

I yelled at him as hard as I could, while he just stood there, completely baffled. Then I slapped him, locked myself in my room and called the police.

I'd wish that I'd be over with that, but no. The police came 30 minutes later, yet the policemen did not seem to take me seriously. He treated me like I was just a bitchy roomate that couldn't handle some fun, asking if I was drunk, and why I was crying (yes, I was a mess at that point). He then called my roomate (the guys gave him his number) and only kicked out two of them since my roomate allowed the third one to stay. He apologized to them for having to do so. At 3 am. In MY flat. After they had treathened me.

"Angry" is a much too weak word for what I felt. Luckily, the one that stayed was quite afraid of the police and profoundly apologized... for the other two, since he claimed to have already slept and to not have noticed anything. Oh well. It was 3 am at that point, and I was thinking that the roomate responsible for this mess would come home soon... I mean I would? If the police calles me?? Telling me that my roommate got threatened by my "friends"???

....He came at 6.

TLDR: Girl comes home at 1 am, meets 3 strangers in her flat, gets forced to cook for them and, after threatened to get raped, calls the police which proceeds to think that shes just a stick-in-the-mud.

In additon: He still lives here (I let him, and people are calling me insane for doing so), I still live here (I guess I am) and the guys, after yelling for about 10 minutes on the front door what a cunt I am, slept in my flat anyways, since another roomate of mine let them in later. Yet, deep down, I still like people. Weird.

What I have learned is: You can tolerate too much, wasted people are looking for a mommy they can fuck, and I still have barely had any good experiences with men, which makes me sad.

/r/AskReddit Thread