Reddit, what modern trend are you absolutely sick of?

This kid in my class. Oh my god, I want to punch him. He's the kind of person who brags and one ups every little thing (apparently I can't enjoy my lunch becsuse his cousin is an amazing cook and made his lunch that day) says nobody else can possibly have problems (an actual quote: "Shut up and stop attention seeking. Your fear this tornado (I was crying because of a tornado warning, also kids were banging on lockers and that is a terrifying sound in this situation, added with my irrational fear of tornados and the fact I had forgotten my anxiety medicine that morning) is stupid and you need to shut up. I deal with my OCD, you can deal with a fucking tornado.") and makes excuses for everything. Earlier today he shouted "THIS ENTITE CLASS IS FILLED WITH FUCKING IDIOTS!" And then he threatened to report a girl for bullying him, because she rolled his eyes when he said that. He also thinks rules don't apply to him: "I'll put my phone away in a minute, Mrs. [Teacher], I just want to play this game...Why can't I? Thats so stupid omg."

Anyways, last month our whole grade was based on class discussions. Last week we had a discussion about the discussions and I mentioned that while it was sometimes fun to go off topic, but it was really distracting when everybody called out, changed the topic (Hey, remember that Saudi Arabia article we're supposed to be disccusing? Well I say this spongebob episode once...) and people walking eandomly around the room. This would be distracting to anyone, even without ADD, but I do have ADD (along with a few other things). Anyway, as I'm saying this, the idiot calls out, interrupts me, and shouts, "ITS NOT MY FAULT I HAVE ADD I CANT STAY STILL STOP OPREESSING ME!!"

I'm amazed I didn't start yelling at him. Like, dude, I can't sit still either. Do you see my legs shaking, or how I'm always tapping my foot? I can't physiclly stop sometimes, and while I usually can, it's really hard for me. But that's not an excuse to run around the classroom durring the test. Or is everything a reason to complain? You know, my autism makes me extra sensitive to light and sound. I get overwhelmed by that stuff easily, and it makes me want to scream and hide in the corner so badly. Should I go ahead and do that? Should I be allowed to disrupt the classroom because of my mental problems? And what about ny anxiety? You know, the sky is gray and it looks windy. I'm fairly sure a tornado will kill us all. Also, I heard a firetruck go bye. My house must be on fire. That accident someone mentioned earlier? Definitley one of my parents. I guess I should loudly freak out. Thats what you would apparently do.

Because if I'm in nornal classroom, I should be able to hold myself together well enough to not disrupt everyone. You always brag about your genius IQ, and how your so much better than everyone else, but your fucking not. Either get help if you need it, shut the fuck up, or leave the fucking classroom. Also, despite what you think, nobody thinks it's funny when you wear wear your hoodie so it covers everything but your eyes, like a terrorost, and say "LOL GUYS IM ISIS." Just stop. /rant (sorry )

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