Reddit, what is the most racist experience you've had?

My most racist experience- it's not really paralyzing, but I do think about it.

I was a sophomore in highschool, history class, and we were arching something about terrorism in the Far East. I come from an immigrant from India, the kindest person I will ever know.

That led to children trying to get under my skin, juuuusstttt trrrryyyyiiiiinnnngggg. I was upset about the comments, shocked that the teacher didn't day anything, that the rest of my classmates joined in and laughed at my misfortune, that the thought it was okay redicule someone based on the color of their skin.

"What the hell is the matter with you all?! Haven't you learned anything from life that it fucking hurts when you're being attacked by a herd of invalids?! And you Mr. _______, you've been on this earth for how many years, you've taught children of all ages, you're a psych grad, hell you even teach it... But for the life of you, you can't recognize when a child is hurt by the constant bludgeoning? You've seen me. You've -heard- me. Your part was listening and that's it?! I can't deal with this anymore. You know where you're headed, all of you. All of you. Enjoy your selfish years, because when they're gone, you'll begin to smell your rotting self-destruction. You probably already have and accepted that reality as your own, so you're trying to place that on me. It's too bad though. Enjoy your lives, human waste. I really hope you cry about what I just said to your parents who are going to end up throwing you out when you can't walk on your own."

I was an easy target because whenever I was pushed, I could block it out. Move on, without moving on- I don't know if it weighs on my conscience over time, but I'm sure it added up at one point and I couldn't take it. I drove home and parked on the drive way, just crying. I really did feel wounded.

My journey wasn't harrowing by any means, I was just very sensitive. It did bother me, the words filled with only contempt.

/r/AskReddit Thread