Reddit, what do you need to get off your chest?

You should not care for the score but for what you really can learn and know. You can have perfect score and still be bad at what you do.
Also, give yourself a little bit rest, waste some time at least once a week. Doesn't matter what you will do. Playing some games, watching movies, reading, sleeping... You are not machine, your mind also needs rest.
Find a way to make what you study interesting, not just something you should learn because you should get some high score.
I've catch myself that when I try to learn something that I am really interested in, it becomes personal. I don't learn that thing because I should, but because I want to. I don't eat and sleep till I learn how to do that, just because these thing are not priority to me, well after 20-30 hours they become, but...
This depends on what you study. Let's say that you are programmer(this is the easiest for which I can give example). You say yourself "I want to make some simple CLI game or program that make something that's interesting for me".
Then you hit a wall( not literally), there are things that you need to know if you want to make this program and the closer is your final goal the eager you become to learn and finish your program. And with all these things you learned you wouldn't be satisfied by your simple program anymore. You will want it better. The whole thing repeats. You learn and become better even if you don't want.

In my opinion that's one of the best ways to learn. Learning just because you like it, not because you should have high score.

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