Reddit, What is the saddest feeling in the world?

Edit: WOW! I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO SAY. I've never been at such a loss for words. I never would've thought so many people would've read my words. I started to read some of the comments but had to stop. The onions were too strong.

A lot of people have been asking so I’ll give a little insight to my mother’s condition.

My mother had sarcoidosis. She had been hospitalized for the last three months of her life, the last week being on life support. The disease only infected her lungs, but I recall the doctor discussing the only option was a full lung-transplant; however, her body was too weak to undergo the surgery.

At this point they informed me the mortality rate was 96%, and the only reason she was living was because a machine was breathing for her. They said a decision would have to be made and I would have to take her quality of life into consideration. I remember the words as if they were yesterday, but for that moment, I sat emotionless dazed and confused as if I were in a dream, when reality set back in and I began to cry. When they finally allowed me to see my mother, I went right to her side and held her hand. She was sedated but would wake up when her medication wore off. When she would come too, she would try to reach for the tube in her throat, so her hands were secured to the bed. This is where I would hold her hand in mine and start talking to her. I asked her many questions but those are the ones that will never leave my memory.

I’m a 31 year old male. She was my best friend. Our bond grew significantly when my father passed. Truth be told, it’s been hard, especially around the holidays, but I can say that this thread has helped with my grief more than anything I've tried in the past. So for that, I thank you Reddit, for this has truly turned out to be priceless. I usually stay pretty closed about this topic but I’m glad I didn't today.

God Bless each one of you, even the trolls.

/r/AskReddit Thread