Reddit, what is your "asshole" opinion?

I have a few. First off, I'm a pretty hard-line objectivist (Ayn Rand's philosophy). I don't mean I pretend to know what it is like most Republicans who cite it as an inspiration. I mean I actually follow the philosophy and have read up on it extensively. I think it couldn't ever work as a system of government because too many people are obsessed with forcing other people to accept their ideology, so the concept of a completely non-coercive society just wouldn't work, but I adhere to the philosophy when I decide my own courses of action and beliefs, which will be described below.

I keep this next one a deep secret, but I'm a raging anti-theist. Most people don't even know my beliefs concerning religion, but secretly I hope education will wipe out all religions, even the "good" ones like Buddhism.

I believe in global warming, but I don't believe we should limit our population growth or technological progress to try and fight it.

I was heavily bullied as a child and I believe that bullies, no matter how young, should be charged with assault, battery, harassment, or whatever else fits their method of bullying, and they should have to face the consequences (i.e. jail time).

I think it's idiotic that people give out "participation trophies" at children's competitions. We need to stop pretending that everyone's a winner and instead let kids experience failure. When they grow up, join the real world, and fail at something, they'll be better prepared for it and won't take it as hard.

I think ISIS and other terrorist organizations aren't our problem (I'm an American). We need to protect our borders from them, but other than that, we shouldn't get involved, no matter what horrible things they're doing to people.

I probably have more, but I can't think of them.

/r/AskReddit Thread