Reddit, What Is Your r/NOSLEEP Story That Actually Happened?

Preface: I don't particularly believe in ghosts but all this is true.

I used to live with my grandparents as a younger child, and my room was in the basement. There were odd things like swinging lightbulbs, dream catchers falling off nails, and pool balls in the pool table clinking all night. The basement door shaking at night, the radio turning on by itself frequently, again only at night. There was even a stain, I remember, that resembled the face of jesus with a noose around his neck, in the basement ceiling. (Probably just my imagination but still creepy.)

It just got progressively weirder. One night I was sitting on my bed watching TV, and my TV had a mirror next to it. First I looked at the wall next to me, because my pillow was near the wall and I wanted to prop it under my elbows, and I noticed 3 other shadows behind me that looked like the silhouettes of heads. But I didn't notice anything in the room that could make that shadow (I probably overlooked it.) But then I turn back to my mirror, and I see a triangular red face that just shakes its head at me, with a grin, and I totally fuckin lost it and ran upstairs to my grandparents.

The next morning we all went down and the mirror was shattered.

Other things happened, like my uncle seeing what he described as a "man made of static," my grandma seeing her dead sister weeping at the foot of her bed, and the dog barking at the downstairs door every night for no reason.

My other uncle, who lived there, said he'd been having dreams about a big, red deer-creature petting him in his sleep, and he'd constantly wake up with scratches (this may have been the dog running around but he kept his door locked.) He confessed he had played with a ouji board in the basement a few months ago.

My grandparents had a man come cleanse the house and everything stopped.

Whether or not there was cause for all this is still up for debate, I'd love explanations.

/r/AskReddit Thread