Reddit, what is your worst restaurant experience?

Finally a sub I can tell a story in.

Me, my sister, and my parents were coming back from an event late at night and we decided on Taco Bueno. We got our food and my mother checked the bag. We noticed an item we didn't order. It was a Cheesecake Chimichanga (CC for short), we handed it back and asked politely for the mistake to be corrected. When we got the food back the CC is placed covertly at the bottom of the bag. By now my moms patience is running thin. She decides to go in and I join her. When we get inside we hear the guy who was at the drive through window trash talking my father. "That dude doesn't have to blame me for his mistake." By now my mom is pissed and she walks up to the counter CC in hand. She yells "I don't thunk anyone was assigning any fucking blame and don't blame us for your inability to understand an order that was given to you three times!" After this she throws the CC at the wall behind the counter and splatters out of the package. Immediately after that I kid you not it falls into the trashcan below. My mom walks out while I proceed to lose my shit laughing just outside. Thats how we got banned from the Taco Bueno. I'm genuinely waiting for security camera footage to come out if it does I'll post a link here.

/r/AskReddit Thread