Reddit, what is your worst moment of "I probably shouldn't hang out with these people"?

Was hanging out with an old group I knew from high school. One of them called me out of the blue, I just happened to off work so I decided to swing by.

To my surprise, they were all there - we're talking like afternoon on a week day, these same 3 people I used to hang out with in high school - 10 years later. And they looked the exact same - except two of them were now married, with children. Well, one of them was married - but 2 had kids.

I was like uhh hey guys, long time no see. And we started to catch up. I sat down in a lawn chair they had set up outside, judging by the lack of grass underneath it I'd say it was a permanent fixture.

It was weird to say the least - we caught up, they all had low paying jobs, living paycheck to paycheck; blowing the rest of their money on beer/partying. I swear it was just like when we were in high school. They asked what I had been up to, which admittedly is also not much but in comparison to them it was leaps and bounds.

As if that conversation wasn't awkward enough; during one of them had their SO come out and hand him a toddler, 2-3 years old while he sitting in this camping chair; one with a pocket for drinks where he had a beer.

As I was talking, the guy took a drink from his beer and the toddler was reaching over trying to get a drink too - pretty normal, kids do that. But then this guy, still can't believe I used to hang out with THIS guy, gave the kid a drink.

I stopped talking about myself was like... did you just give your baby a drink of your beer? Seriously? And he's like yeah man, it's the only thing that calms him down. And my other "friends" were like yeah man, works great. He only does it a couple times a day. -Meaning they drink beer EVERYDAY.

I was like uh I gotta go - things to do. They could tell I was offended, told me to call if I ever wanted to hang out. I haven't - and don't plan to.

I called children services when I got home.

And that was the worst moment of "I probably shouldn't hang out with these people".

TL:DR People I knew from high school, was hanging out catching up - couple had kids. Was sitting talking when he let his 2-3 year old drink some of his beer. And that was the end of that.

/r/AskReddit Thread