Reddit, what's your high schools tragedy? [NSFW]

This might be a long post...

4-5 students self included were dicking around as most kids do in there teens, and were in a class room unattended just skipping class and wasting time. I was on the chubby side back then and would always get made fun of, Even though I knew they were joking it bothered me and i didn't like it.

So one of my friends started making fun of my calling me "fat" and Icouldnt catch up to him. and he started running around the classroom daring me to chase him. I eventually started to run after him and was right behind him. As he turned to look back he tripped up and fell, me being right on his tail fell on top of him.

I pick my self up and he is still on the ground crying face down. I turn him over and there is a pencil all the way up his nose lodged in his brain, and he is trying to pull it out kicking and screaming with blood gushing out of his nose.

I immediately hold his hands and away from pulling it out and yell at the other people in the room to call 911. They stood there frozen until I shouted a few more times. Meanwhile I'm holding his hands covered in his blood trying to keep him calm until the principal and some of the teachers came and eventually the ambulance. He went to the ICU and had brain surgery and was there for a while.

I, being a teen am in complete shock. One of the people in the room at the time of the event, spread a rumor that I was so mad at him that I took a pencil and rammed it up his nose after I tackled him. This was the first news that came to my parents who yelled at me and blamed me and said some pretty nasty things. I locked myself in my room and cried my eyes out, I was afraid my friend was going to die.

The rumors got cleared and my freind was still in the ICU it took me over 10 days to have the confidence to go and see him. I still regret not going sooner. I go and see him and I immediately broke down as both his parents were their and I truly felt bad for him. I stayed with him for a while and would go and see him every day after that.

The pencil nearly killed him and was a few millimeters away from completely paralyzing him. His family and my family were and still are best friends. I went to undergrad with him and to this day are still very close and best friends.

/r/AskReddit Thread