Reddit, what's your high schools tragedy? [NSFW]

Not so much my highschool, but still a story I get teary eyes from to this day.

When I was about 13 years old I had just moved to a small village for about a year and was doing my highschool there. I moved from the nearby city, naturally leaving all my friends I made behind. One of them was the sweetest girl I'll probably ever meet (she used her pocket money to buy her mother flowers and stuff like that), I have known her since I was very young and we used be boyfriend/girlfriend (whatever that means when your in elementary school). Basically we liked each other a lot, I had not been able to speak to her too much but the moments we did everything was cool, I dunno we really liked each other.

One day at school a teacher knocks on the class room and asks me to come with her, I remember going into some kind of state of shock, the classroom went dead silent in an instant. It felt serious. The walk to the deans office, that sureley wasn't more then 100 feet felt like ages. In my head everything passed by, had something happened to my parents? Or my siblings? I even thought about my dog, but they wouldn't make such a big deal about that, right? When I walked into the office I saw my mom, which was a relief and then she told me this girl had died. I really couldn't believe her, it was so random.

The story is that she was running late for school and the bus her and her classmates needed was about to drive away, she was the one who decided to make a run for it and try to stop the bus. To do this she had to cross the roads and walk from behind the bus she just got out of. At that same moment another buss came from the other direction and hit her. She died there shortly after her parents came to say goodbye. I still cry writing this...

/r/AskReddit Thread