Reddit, who's the worst teacher you've ever had and why?

My math teacher Mr. A in 7th grade. Humble brag, I was pretty great at math in comparison to the others in my school.. and could have kept my love for it going if it weren't for him.

I was in accelerated math, doing trig/Pre-Calc and i went in to ask said teacher a question, which I don't remember what it was. He was pissed off I asked him and said "You don't know how to do that? Are you dumb?" And then proceeded to half ass help me as he graded papers.

This resulted in me instantly saying in my head "I'm not doing any work for this asshole" and I would leave my tests blank on purpose just to see him react and then have to go through a whole meeting with all my teachers and principal. I didn't say a word during the whole 'meeting' and just nodded and said "I'm too dumb for this math class, you need to move me down." super sarcastically.. so they had to move around all the schedules and bring in an extra desk to each class every day for a few weeks because it forced over capacity... can't deny, I smiled the whole time and oh boy did they hate me, it felt great.

I'm pretty sure this lead me down a path of doing mediocre in school because of my subconscious disrespect for teachers, professors, etc. Actually, more conscious. I never went in to get help on topics I didn't understand all thru high school>college because of this as well.

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