Redditor finds three US legal cases where individuals were convicted of obstruction of justice even while using the phrase "I hope," blowing up Republican talking points claiming that this phrase clears President Trump of any wrongdoing.

I honestly want to rebut this because there are legitimate reasons to abhor Trump, but you're right on the money. Like the far-right, the far-left tend to be the most obsessively vocal and they love to pounce on literally anything they can find that paints Trump in a negative light, no matter how much weight it has. It's sad, because it really dilutes the effect of legitimate bad news - the actual problems get lost in the flood of semantic crap and sketchy inferences.

So you get stuff like this - some guy on Twitter scours public legal records on obstruction of justice containing the phrase "I hope," no matter what the context. And since he's established a pattern with three of them and no one actually wants to read legal documents because they're boring, everyone buys it because they want to. And arguably, they gain more weight than the legitimate ones because they can easily be reduced to a soundbite or an interesting statistic to pull out of your pocket.

Kind of sad to see both sides wallowing in the shit like this. (or should I say "covfefe", the grandma forward-worthy meme that needs to die)

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