Redditor flips his shit and tells female user to get back in the kitchen and let men do the thinking

I deleted the posts because of you, yes. They aren't mine and I never bothered to delete them before and I did so now because of your insanity. Pardon me if I don't want to deal with another nutjob like you again.

OP literally says he's African in his comment history. And yes, he did link here. Here's the comment. I followed it to this sub, then saw this post. It was on its front page. So you're all wrong there.

First link was just me being polite. That YouTube channel isn't mine. The fact that it's called RicochetRuby is because this fucking account has always been called RicochetRuby. You can't change reddit usernames. If the previous owner made the account, then obviously they would've been called Ruby in the screenshots and their YouTube channel.

I'm actually speechless at how fucking ridiculous you're being, what the fuck. Also, I notice you completely ignored me accusing your account here of being an alt. So I'm gonna assume I was right there and end this convo.

I've never seen this level of delusion and projection before.

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