Redditors aged 30 and up, whatever happened to your high school boyfriend/girlfriend/secret crush?

Totally hot busty bombshell that pushed the limit of 90s dress code. She had a reputation for being easy since 8th grade. I heard locker room talk from a few of my friends who hooked up with her.

Her and I met up mid senior year at a friend's drinking party where she was FWB with the host and the only girl. Her and I talked the whole night. I got her number and went out on a date.

She was used to just hanging out with guys or going out with sex/sexual favors at the end of the night so I held out. We went steady and she stopped seeing other guys. Got our own place after graduation and eventually married.

Her first sexual experience was 7th grade. She was drinking with a babysitting uncle while her parents were divorcing and seeing other people. That affected and I was aware of her history. We decided to make seeing others acceptable on her end. It's not cheating if it's allowed. I made the most of it by exploring hotwife lifestyle.

We've been a happy couple and a great team ever since we got together.

/r/AskReddit Thread