Why do Redditors congregate to Reddit just to "debate" and argue?

Because they have no one in real life to listen them. No friends, no family, no one. They probably don't even pay a therapist to pretend to be their friend.

"Not to mention the hefty amount if internet Reddit detectives that sit around diving deep into someone's account history because they have no life.. just to make some kind of narrative to bring someone down with. Like some people will obsessively scroll through comment after comment someone made just to bitch about them. Some go as far as to lamely, pointlessly and annoyingly actively comment on comment after comment you made, in completely different posts, because they're internet warriors that have nothing in their lives but stalking strangers and their habits on reddit..."

This is 100 percent why I have a program that deletes my comments every four to 24 hours, and all my posts every few days. I had several instances of someone going all the way back to the beginning of my account (almost two years now) and dredging up comments completely out of context and harassing me with them. Several went full stalker mode when I left a sub and followed me EVERYWHERE for months. Appealing to Reddit didn't help because they used multiple alt accounts and getting banned did nothing.

I cheered when Reddit fixed it's blocking function. My problem disappeared entirely within a week, after blocking account after account. I can finally enjoy Reddit again. I wasn't abandoning this account for an alt...I have a lot put into this account to let some bullies make me drop it.

I'm still here, they aren't :D

/r/TheoryOfReddit Thread