Redditors, how do you shake yourselves out of it when your brain goes into a spiral of negativity?

I have learned that surrounding yourself with people who are negative or people who get to love street through cheating, using pills, booze or synthetics, will always hurt your chances for staying positive and keeping out of the negative world. Family, friends and lovers are the worst, because they are the hardest to walk away from, but if you want to do something special, I believe you must break away from as many dark souls as possible, no matter what the consequences or no matter how lonely it gets. You will always find more positive people if you showcase your positive side often!

The longer you stay out of the negative world the less frequent you will enter the negative world, but when you do, the best trick I have learned is to constantly label your thoughts. I like to label my negative thoughts as Frivolous, Hollywood or unproductive to my life goals. Frivolous thoughts are usually thoughts that are concerning people I love and the stagnant natures they have. I have come to the conclusion that I must detach from my empathic side and concentrate on my own agenda in order to fulfill my own quest in life. If people don't want to change, they will not change.

Hollywood thoughts are usually thoughts of revenge that would make a great movie scene in a thriller or action movie. I try to label these quickly so I don't spend much time brainstorming or plotting, for the faster you label, the faster you can think about something positive and worth while, which will put you back on course to achieving your dreams.

Unproductive to my life goal thoughts are usually thoughts revolving around possible actions, which usually are going to take me to an opposite direction of where I want to be. I try to stay ideal, so I believe that there are always ideal ways to go about doing something while keeping your balance for mental take off or flight. Don't be so fast to slow down or rest. Don't be so fast to completely shut the music off and once you do, don't be too anxious to leave your silence.

I use water therapy to do a lot of labeling. The shower is my best tool. Use the hot water as well as the cold and find the spot on the temp control dial which feels like cold and hot coming out at the same time. Each temp will effect you differently. I find that when I go hot for too long I want to get out of the shower, so I bring it back to cool and finish my thinking. Flip flopping temps will keep me going long enough to get the business done.

I face all my thoughts. I never completely shut thoughts down prematurely. I like to label correctly so I am able to file that thought away and limit the frequency of that thought popping up again.

In writing this, I came to a new conclusion! I think I am going to start to label positive thoughts as well! I haven't done that before. I believe this year is a perfect opportunity for liftoff. The stars will always welcome us. NO...this year is the year for lift off! Make Waves Friends!! I'll see you in space Rock Stars!

/r/AskReddit Thread