Redditors, what selfless act have you done for someone that totally did not deserve it?

I'm staying with me wife so that our children have a good home, food, insurance, and family around them. I wake up every morning, rush to get to work where I deal with rude people all day, spend over an hour in traffic on the drive home, pick up what my wife asked me to get from the store on the way, get home and cook dinner while listening to whatever new thing she has to complain about that day (whether it be our home being too hot, her car not being new enough, someone else having nicer things that she saw on Facebook) and then clean the house and go to bed. Rinse and repeat.

I love my children, they mean the world to me... But eveey morning I fantasize about being hit by a semi-truck or having a blowout and driving off a cliff. I'm a full grown man and I swear I cry more than a teenage girl who's boyfriend just dumped her.

I see other peoples wives who show that they appreciate them and it makes me so sad. But I have my children to take care of and love and that's why I do what I do...

/r/AskReddit Thread