Redditors who are feeling a bit sad right now, what's wrong?

I am graduating from law school in 2 months. I have been frantically applying to firms for jobs and internships as I need to earn. I cannot afford higher studies or financial dependence on my parents (law school was expensive enough). I have been getting rejected by most firms I've applied to do far despite the fact that I have a good profile if not an exceedingly impressive one. I've been away from my friends for almost a year now, thanks to the pandemic. College is getting over. I had never imagined not having a job before graduating. It has been getting a bit too overwhelming, making me restless and anxious. I'm in the middle of semester exams (which I'm not able to completely focus on) and received 2 rejections earlier this morning. Today happens to be an unusually overwhelming day. I know that this is not a major problem and that a job is not what life is about but for a lot more upheaval in my life right now, a job offering financial security is the only way I can preserve myself and my family. I'm determined to keeping trying, to keep getting up despite the rejections but on some days inner sadness is louder than determination.

Just a venting monologue.

/r/AskReddit Thread