Redditors who are feeling a bit sad right now, what's wrong?

I got super messed up over the quarantine. I was quarantined since mid-March until August due to having COVID and it changed how I am. It’s very difficult to interact with people now. I also lost 2 of my closest friends over drugs in a massive fight right before it started and it was a very brutal fight.

And I’ve applied to 400 jobs since November, literally got 9 of them and ignored by 391, and there is no work for me to do. Literally signed a 1 year contract on Wednesday and just got ghosted. I have 8 years of experience and a relevant degree and I thought I fit all the very specific criteria. I even finished the test 30 minutes after it got sent to me. Guess somebody else was 2 nanoseconds faster.

/r/AskReddit Thread