Redditors who "Cant even," what is it like?

Hi every1 I'm new! holds up God Delusion I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in a STEM field and rarely are we asking the question: u wot m8, what's in the safe? I nope'd out of there after I saw a guy order a well done steak, probably a circumcised Mittler Rommel fan, amirite.jpg? Here's an upvote to you good sir, and I just checked: no gw posts. Of course, step 1- be attractive. step 2- broken arms lead to jolly ranchers. Paging awildsketchappeared, shittywatercolour, and unidan! Why do I have you RES tagged as 'Gaben'? I guess you are part of the glorious PC master race, you like that, you fucking retard? It went okay, and I saved Colby from further abuse at the hands of karmanaut. Gib diretide pls, inb4 I ask 'when does the narwhal bacon' and realize it was the Loch Ness monster. (Truly 2spooky4me! Brix were shat) But anyways, do you want to talk about Rampart or have Morgan Freeman do another AMA? Because fucking Chad and that bitch Erin... My only regret is that I have but one upvote to give to this bestof material. I'll probably get downvoted for this, but DAE eugenics anne frankly I did nazi that coming? Why is this link purple, lol I'm keeping that link blue... of course this is a subreddit. I swer on me mum that fedora-wearing trenchcoated cargo-shorts donning landwhale neckbeard and SRS brigader, known religionofpeace.avi, had time for that. He 8 the gr8 b8 m8, I r8 8/8, and anybody got sauce? Can confirm, am marinara. This is why we can't have Nice meme, m'lady! In this moment I am euphoric, not because needs more JPEG or needs more Nepalized Provo, but because France needs to be nerfed and poland cannot into Putin. Speaking of which, Natalia-san had a dashcam of a guy wrestling a bear over vodka. That man's name? Albert Snowden- a conspiratard who knew the police state was coming (move along sheeple serveandprotect badcopnodonut). Elizabeth Warren is a gentleman and a scholar, along with Neilchard DeSagan Nyewking. Do you want moral relativism? Because that's how you get a cognitive dissonance, thought terminating cliches, and the WBC. Aaaaand to the front page with you, though you've been banned from /r/Pyongyang and /r/Dreadfort. This may sound like tinfoil, but I think Benjen is Daario, Euron, Syrio, jojenpaste, and cleganebowl GET HYPE Ned warged into ser pounce, you GCHQ bastard! Clearly swamp gas, and I'm on a list now, thanks NSA. Aren't you the fucker who lied about cancer? /r/shitpost /r/thathappened /r/forwardsfromgrandma looks like it's summer reddit. Anyone seeking more information might check here: it's almost as if reddit is a diverse site made up of many different people. Remove kebab yuo are worst börk! Rapunzel, cousin, let's go bowling! I opened this at work and wow tag this NSFW, why is this tagged NSFW? Clearly ephebophilia but the age of consent in Britain is 16, best Korea and glorious leader went to China but then senpai (y u no notice me?) kawaii saves them from a big dose of FREEDOM and pollution. I hear Kazakhstan has oil, I think they need some freedom from the Amerifat YUROP s[weed]en 420 ent snoop 'pink floyd' lion. (So much better than Nickelback, Beiber, Miley, One Direction, and Mumford and Sons!) /r/lewronggeneration look we have a 90s kid here, fuck I'm old. Slowclap.gif. Damn paulbots brigading this lookofdisapproval.jpg stopgirl.gif and misleading thumbnail. Le me, derping with le derpina got friendzoned by a TRP SJW who posts in tumblrinaction, though all these feels and otherkin were mangry at a shitlord who banned the puffin. /r/undelete these hitler mods are working with saydrah and hitler was acually an pretty cool guy, eh killed hitler afterall. OP pls... Let it be known that I've upvoted everyone on this thread, even those who disagreed with me (WARNING: tvtropes link). Lamar Smith had a slow day on reddit so I know, I'll check reddit! Remember what happened to digg? Well that will happen here too unless OP isn't a faggot and can use may-may arrows to imply that /r/science cured cancer and aids again. Oh look, this thread again, you stole this from the top all time, you pulled a trappedinreddit, since violentacrez don't real because logic (TM) and reason (TM). I honestly thought I was in /r/circlejerk and you tried, captionbot, here's some reddit silver. [f]irst post im a girl btw ;) raise your dongers to Source? Srslite stop this witchhunt, remember the Boston bombing? Well this patriot said stay classy, highschool kids. 'Entry level' jobs str8 outta talesfromtechsupport. I fail to see what this has to do with my post, because it's like trying to explain algebra to a 3 year old- the greatest wingman of all time made 2 am chili. OP delivered (I'm not even mad that we did it live). To be fair, I came here to say this but boy, that escalated quickly. Lost it at 'welcome to jackass' and then my faith in humanity was restored, my mind blown, and manly tears were shed. Well said. As a 'murican, I can confirm this gem has just won the internet and is doing it right. Just sayin', I know that feel, bro, and while that was a risk click, this post was a 9/10, would read again. I see what you did there and it feels good man. You're doing God's work, son. I laughed way harder than I should have at your list that seems legit and totally nailed it. You - I like you. You magnificent bastard; you, sir, are so brave, and seeing how you are a redditor for 4 years, this checks out, so I'll allow it. What a story, Mark, really a cool story, bro.

/r/AskReddit Thread