Redditors who have completely dropped your old life and started anew somewhere else, how is your life now?

My life was pretty messed up living at home with my mother and stepfather. My mother died in 2006 and I was living there still at 20 years old. I had been into partying a lot and never taking anything seriously. This really screwed me up because I was the one who found her dead, and I tried leaving my home state a few times but failed each time.

Her life insurance money was supposed to go towards things like my schooling, but my stepfather spent it on a new car, mail order bride, house, and even a baseball card store. She died suddenly of an OD so the only thing we had was what she said she wanted. I went to school, and my stepfather used some of the money to pay for it for a month or so, about $500 of the debt, and then told me to fuck off and gave me the bills.

Fast forward to about 2011, and I started working online for someone. I was able to start making money while I was still drinking and being miserable. Eventually I broke up with this crazy bitch I was with just to have a place to stay and found my current wife online through the work I do. The only condition to live with her was that I drop my life and come out to live in the state she's in.

I went from having nothing but drinking or pills to look forward to. Now we have a house together, and I have quit talking to most of the people from my past. My family abandoned me mostly because I was always drunk and they didn't want to deal with it so I do miss some of them but the problem with them is that they were toxic anyways so it's a good thing that I drove them away so I could realize that.

I was even homeless for a while during my shitty situation, and so when I wake up in a house it's surreal still after almost a year of living in it. I never thought I would be married, off of alcohol and drugs, and able to have a job I can do at home so my anxiety and depression aren't going to get me fired since I work my own hours.

/r/AskReddit Thread