Redditors who have died and then have been revived, what did you experience?

Oh there is definitely is something. The first time I popped out I wasn't even dying :) I fell asleep on a plane ride from Seattle to Denver, the next thing I knew I became aware I was floating above two ladies that were reading an article together on an Ipad (not sure if it was Reddit or not lol). They were about 9-10 rows in front of me. I noticed I was only a small glowing single point of consciousness and I could see in every direction all at once! Calmness, knowledge of everything, and worry free was the state I was feeling while I was out. I sat there for about 15 secs looking around until I knew it was time to wake up, so I had to head back to my body. I went shooting back towards my body in an instant, I stopped about a foot from my face and sat there long enough so I could have a vivid image of that burned into my memory lol I woke up a second after that all like "What the hell was that!?" and to be sure I wasn't imagining all of that I took a short walk towards the bathroom on the plane and there were the same two ladies still pointing and discussing the article on their Ipad! After that first incident I started wondering if I could somehow experience something like that again and heard of some people who could pop out while they were meditating and gave that a shot. After about a couple weeks meditating it happened again and I learned how to steer the experience through my intentions and thoughts about where to go and such. It's happened another 4 times since through my meditating. So worry not my young friend, it is something all right and the only word I would ever use to describe those times it happened to me is "Bliss". I have never told anyone this except my wife! I read your comment and wanted to make sure you knew that there are people out there who have gone through stuff like this and KNOW that there is something for sure and from what I hear the younger generation can do it even easier : )

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