I’m 23 and struggle with depression and bipolar disorder. When I’m depressed I often see movies alone and just don’t talk to anyone because I will probably be a dick or just cynical as fuck and shut myself off. My bipolar makes relationships tough. My last ex pretty much convinced me I was delusional and she was faithful. After about a year of thinking I was a clingy controlling dick I found out she had cheated on me a ton and was just using me for money and drugs (at the time I was drunk for like two years and constantly high off weed or cocaine). I’m finally out of what seems like a 3 year depressed rut, I’m back in school and have actually opened up to a new girl after not being emotionally available for the last couple of years. But what scares me is she’s busy with law school and my brain just wants to convince me she’s seeing other guys or ignoring me when in reality I know she’s just busy studying. It’s honestly been really hard not to think this way even though I know it’s all in my head. I really don’t know if I’m fit for a relationship but she makes me want to try and trust people again.