Redditors who gave an unfaithful spouse a second chance, what's your story and how did that turn out?

Had a great two years with her, things went a bit stressful in the third and she got depressed, cheated and left me. She quickly realised she'd made a huge mistake and wanted me back, she promised to change, sort herself out and committed to me for life.

After that we had a great two years together before things went a bit stressful and she got depressed, cheated and left me.

Thinking that giving her a second chance was a mistake is the easy option and the one I instantly jumped to, having seen everything repeat, but after a bit of reflection I'm actually glad I did.

I don't have to wonder 'what if', and short of being a few years older without getting closer to what I want in life and being financially a few years in the mire there's no terrible consequences that can't be fixed with time.

I also can't look back and wish I'd put more effort in as frankly, I couldn't. Love is really bloody odd but I've moved on fairly quickly now, whereas I think that even three years later I would still be hungup on what we had, whether I failed her and what could have been if it wasn't for taking her back.

Theres no chance i would try again, but I still don't like to think that she was unfaithful because that's who she is, and believe that she genuinely is the person who committed her life to me at heart. This may be naivety or rose-tinted glasses but sadly for us a disease was stronger than me or our relationship. Not an easy thing to admit to as most people think that they can solve anything for the ones they love, but as heartbreaking as it is, I couldn't get her to go to the counselling she needed, or react to problems in whatever way would have helped.

Tl;Dr - she was unfaithful when depressed. Gave second chance but exactly the same series of events. Depressions fault, not hers or mine and I'm glad i took her back once anyway.

/r/AskReddit Thread