Redditors who have had "neighbors from hell", what happened?

I used to live in a condo surrounded by retirees as well - we had nicknames for them too. There best (worst?) was "The Pool Nazi" aka Marilyn, who was on the board of the HOA and appointed herself in charge of the pool. She was at the pool every time I ever went, bossing people around and making up rules. She could see the pool from her condo's balcony and would watch even when she wasn't there. She'd type up notices and post them at the pool with her rules - for example, she got pissed that people were swimming with shirts on and outlawed that, and the best was when she put up a notice saying that people were spotted canoodling at he pool and that "this is a family pool" and that sort of behavior was not permitted.

We also played a game called "Is she dead?" when elderly neighbors would disappear.

The lady directly below me was the worst and I was so glad to get away from her when we moved. She was an obese chain smoker with several cats. Her husband and a couple of the cats had already died of lung cancer. She had a million wind chimes right below our bedroom window, regularly stunk up the place with smoke smells (the smell would come up through our laundry room too), and she had a jukebox in her unit that she'd crank up at late hours. We played "Is She Dead" with her once when she disappeared for over a month, but it turns out she was just having her leg amputated due to her diabetes and unhealthy lifestyle. The incident that most pissed me off was when she purchased flowers for the front shared walkway, then she hired her grandson to plant them and she payed him some ludicrous sum (like over $100 bucks). She then put a bill in my mailbox to try to charge me for my portion of the plants and labor. She never consulted with me first about it - I could've planted the damn plants for free, and I had previously purchased and planted flowers out there on my own money. I did not pay her, needless to say.

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