Redditors who have their shit together, what are some helpful tips you have for others?

less talking, more doing.

seriously, stop fucking talking about it and just go do it.

I'm 29 and I can pretty much retire. I work my day job as a hobby mostly.

Whenever my friends ask "omg aris9, how do u do it? ur so lucky"

A lot of times I actually tell them the truth, I thought about what I was good at/my interests, and pursued it after my day job. Right after I get off work at 6pm, I work until 4am working on my projects. After 4-5 years of doing that, a couple of my ventures took off and I made a bit of $.

Everyone has all these grand ideas about how to be successful/make more $. But nobody wants to TRY. Then they go on Facebook and post these inspirational quotes about what successful people do, how they "focus", how "successful people manage their time", "50 things all successful people do", and then they post about how they're following in their footsteps.

holy shit, stop worrying about what other people are doing. have an idea? work on it. don't know how? well, 5% of the work is research and figuring how to start. the other 95% is trial and error and experience.

one of the things i worked on was a local event planning thing i started with a friend. i'm an engineer so i didn't know shit about anything, except how to throw together google ads/yelp local ads/make the site/etc.. my friend's in marketing so she didn't know shit, but she knew all the people/had all the vendors.

instead of sitting there talking about it, and wondering what to do next. we just got cracking. my friend and i reached out to some orgs/contacts we knew and offered to plan their next event. we started off making VERY little profit. most of the money went to the vendors. eventually, we got our name out there and started planning bigger local events. during this time, i was a receptionist, a programmer, a marketer, a bartender, a waiter, a driver, a mover, etc. (my favorite part about being self employed, you get to be whatever you want to be). you have to be willing to fucking DO it and stop worrying about it/talking about it.

eventually, we did well enough that we could afford to hire more people and make actual $. i went back to just being a programmer.

there are a bunch of other similar things i've been a part of that were way less successful, but i still tried doing it. meanwhile, so many people are still sitting there thinking "man.. im good at planning events, maybe i should do it someday"

/r/AskReddit Thread