Redditors who have tried acid, what was the experience like and do you regret it?

It was hands down one of the most beneficial experiences of my life. I was fortunate enough to have some really good friends who had taken it before and were able to get some really high quality legit LSD. For me, I wasn't taking it for the trip itself as much as the aftereffects of it. Although the trip was absolutely amazing because we spent most of the time exploring in the woods back behind the house. As I said, I was more interested in the aftereffects of the LSD, like all the introspective thinking and creativity that come with it and it totally surpassed all my expectations. It's now been about 3 months since I tripped and I haven't missed a single workout, I'm much more focused on both my work and schoolwork, and it helped me overcome my insomnia and depression. Neither of the former were very serious but I definitely feel much more positive and upbeat.

But, it's also a very intense experience because LSD creates new connections in your brain. So after you've taken it, from a physiological standpoint, you're literally a slightly different person. For me, it took a while to get used to to my new self because my mind was operating in a new way. But now that I've sort of adjusted, I've never been happier with myself.

Personally, I think that everyone would benefit from LSD but I realize that society has a very hard time getting over the stigma of hallucinogenics because there's always stories of people having bad trips. Having a bad trip would not be fun but when they talk about flashbacks, it's not like someone suffering from PTSD. It's more like having a very intense memory. I know that sounds lame but that's the best way I can put it.

If you ever get the chance, and have good friends and a controlled environment to take it in, jump on it. It might just be the best decision you've ever made.

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