Redditors who were served booze a bar by AOC or regulars where she worked, any bar stories?

One time Liz Warren and I were knocking one back at her bar, and Liz decided to use the cocktail napkins as an Indian head-dress. She gets up on the bar and starts singing "Half Breed' by Cher, and AOC is just mortified, so she says "Your friend can't have any more to drink as long as she's culturally appropriating the struggles of the Native tribes." I just laughed and told my pals Ilhan and Rashida that AOC was an infidel, so they started chanting "Death to the bartender" and that's when Mike Pence came in with a young boy on each arm and a raging erection. So I started throwing onion rings on his dick, and he started condemning me in Latin, but then in comes Marianne Williamson and she started asking us all Buddhist koans and we all calmed down and contacted Jane Addams in a séance.

/r/AskReddit Thread