Redditors with SOs who talk in their sleep, what is the creepiest thing they've said?

My SO had been asleep for an hour while I was reading..

SO(eyes closed): Hey.
Me: Yes.
SO: The African men are on the left and right of us.
Me: WAKE UP!!! Who?!
SO: They are not in this house, they're in the shop.
Me: What?!
SO: Please be quiet.

On another occasion, I was jolted awake by a voice asking me about a "purchase."

SO: Have you bought it yet?
Me: What?
SO: Have you..bought it yet?
Me: Bought what?
SO: The bulletproof vest.
Me: No. Who is it for?
SO: Pauleigh.
Me: Paul?
SO: PAULEIGHRGHRHGH (distorted demon voice)
Me: Pauline????
SO: Nothing nothing. Forget it. *Turns away. Snoring continues*

Never again will I engage a sleep talker in conversation.

/r/AskReddit Thread