Redditors that work inside people's homes, (i.e. Plumbers, electricians, ect) what is the funniest/weirdest thing you have seen going on in someone's home?

I feel like this story should be adapted and put in /nosleep also, feel free to plagiarise gang.

Courtesy of my dad: He owns his own company and is a plumbing and heating engineer. He tends to do the expensive customer friendly jobs himself with his front of house customer relations bull. He has a fancy voice he uses too when on the phone to specific people too haha.

He was working in a old country, possibly Victorian, mansion in tarporley, England. Whilst replacing a couple of old radiators for new ones he first had to find the stop valve as to not flood the house.

Initially it was nowhere to be found and he worked out it had to be in the attic above the room next door.

He went into the attic on one side and it ended in a brick wall and on the other it did too. In the middle there was an unaccounted area of about 12 foot.

He went back to the room it should be above and was a little puzzled. He got out his step ladder and started pushing on the wooden panels on the ceiling. (Very bespoke home)

None of them budged. He went out to the corridor and found that one of the panels moved. He slid it to the side and climbed up. As he turned around he immediately got chills running down his spine. There was a semi circle of 20 or so human sized China dolls which had these demented smiles and piercing eyes. There was not a single cobweb or bit of dust anywhere. He was frozen and didn't have a clue what to do. He could see the stop valve off to the side of the room. He knew that he had to complete the job and had been in a handful of weird situations before (including being cornered by a closet transvestite crying to him banging his head on the wall and begging him to make it stop, he helped the person out as they were clearly tormented).

So he did what he had to although every part of him was telling him to get the fuck out of there, he climbed into the attic. All the eyes felt like they were moving and watching him with these demented smiles. He just talked to them. Told them he meant them no harm, he was just there to do a job and he would be gone shortly, not to he alarmed and he didn't mean them any harm.

He turned the stop valve off and back away again and did not look anywhere else except at those dolls the whole time. He got on with the job and the worst feeling was that he had to go back up there to turn in on again.

Creepiest story I've ever heard. Apologies for grammar and structure etc, hard on a android that scrolls up constantly.

/r/AskReddit Thread