Reddit's favorite billionaire (known for a large personal branding team trying to clean up his image) is at it again. I wonder if there's an AMA coming up because there have been multiple posts recently reaching front page.

Just because Microsoft under Gates didn't succeed in killing Linux (or Java, for that matter) doesn't mean they didn't make a genuine effort. And they pretty much killed NetScape, although it was eventually resurrected as Firefox. What they did succeed in was consistently engaging in anti-competitive, anti-consumer business practices to establish the OS monopoly they have today. Both Gated and Ballmer are responsible for Microsoft's behaviour under their leadership, and that behaviour shouldn't quickly be forgotten. Yes, the philanthropic efforts of Gates are laudable, but they don't forgive his past misdeeds. Under his (and later, Ballmer's) leadership, Microsoft did lasting damage to the state of software and computing, and I wish people would stop making excuses for them.

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