Reddits Worlds 2022 Power Ranking

Durability patch has helped for sure, going from a top carry meta to tanks in the top lane again/bot meta is going to be good for a team with the most consistent of the elite ADCs in the world. Tank junglers being more meta also opens up more options with Peanuts pool and playstyle.

But they are a new roster with Ruler so you'd expect things to take time to truly click. They've got someone hyped by most pros and analysts as the best/most insane mid laner in the world (at least in laning phase), and one of the best unorthodox junglers in the world, on top of one of the best ADCs, this trio in the same team was always going to be insane. Ruler also finally has a good support after years with flippy/mediore supports in Life and Kellin (and CoreJJ had a really rough 2018 where his form dipped massively), he basically hasn't had a top tier support since s7. Chances are even without durability patch this team would stomp, they got the individuals they just needed the synergy/shotcalling and drafts figured out. Their Spring form and synergy was disrupted heavily by Covid and teams level up in Summer usually anyways.

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