Reducing risk by progressing time or miles? When does this stop?

So If I keep doing the same mileage then my body will immediately stop adapting? I must always do more to elicit an adaptation? Or would it be safer to make even smaller increases so the body adapts before adding more stimulus like 10% a month? I was reading that it can take 1 month or more for the bones and tendons to adapt (

Also, if you do the math. If someone started at 10 miles and added 10% each week then after 52 weeks they should be able to do 1291.30 miles a week.... I am not sure if this 10% sure is a good one.

Week 1 10.00 Week 2 11.00 Week 3 12.10 Week 4 13.31 Week 5 14.64 Week 6 16.11 Week 7 17.72 Week 8 19.49 Week 9 21.44 Week 10 23.58 Week 11 25.94 Week 12 28.53 Week 13 31.38 Week 14 34.52 Week 15 37.97 Week 16 41.77 Week 17 45.95 Week 18 50.54 Week 19 55.60 Week 20 61.16 Week 21 67.27 Week 22 74.00 Week 23 81.40 Week 24 89.54 Week 25 98.50 Week 26 108.35 Week 27 119.18 Week 28 131.10 Week 29 144.21 Week 30 158.63 Week 31 174.49 Week 32 191.94 Week 33 211.14 Week 34 232.25 Week 35 255.48 Week 36 281.02 Week 37 309.13 Week 38 340.04 Week 39 374.04 Week 40 411.45 Week 41 452.59 Week 42 497.85 Week 43 547.64 Week 44 602.40 Week 45 662.64 Week 46 728.90 Week 47 801.80 Week 48 881.97 Week 49 970.17 Week 50 1,067.19 Week 51 1,173.91 Week 52 1,291.30

/r/running Thread Parent