Refreshingly Honest Billionaire Says Media Purchase Will Be Used For Propaganda

What’s wild is this was once the case afaik. When I was in elementary school my mom and her friend worked at the school, made the food as fresh as they could and outside of like pizza days generally provided good meals. Idk when that changed exactly but I’m guessing it’s just cheaper not to pay anyone.

For extra bonus when I was in high school I took vocational culinary classes. We had an idea to feed the teachers and have them pay for it so the classroom would have more food supplies. Only thing was we also sold to a few students who were in the class (keep in mind I did this shit for free for extra credit and cause I loved to cook at the time), cafeteria got wind of it and had the principal shut us down. Can’t have us “competing” with the cafeteria after all, the same place who served the same thing 4 days a week, all of it frozen and not very tasty.

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